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Manage Settlements & Homebuyer Homepage

Revised December 31, 2008


Once a Prospect has submitted an offer and become a Buyer the user has the ability to manage various aspects of the Buyer's interaction in BuildTopia. These include managing settlement dates and generating a unique homepage from the builder's website for communication with the Buyer.







Manage Settlement Dates














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Navigation Path

SR > Buyers > [Buyer Name]


  • Projected Settlement Date is the date the builder and Buyer plan for the buyer to take ownership of the house, and is likely referred to in the Purchase Agreement with some disclaimer[s] referring to weather and other possible delays.
  • Projected Completion Date is the date the builder's construction department plans to finish construction on the house, as displayed in the construction schedule in Project Management module.
  • Selecting a Projected Settlement Date allows the Sales Rep to track construction progress against settlement date commitments made in the agreement.


  1. Select the Settlement Date link.
  2. Use the Request Settlement Date text field to enter the Settlement Date the request was received or use the Pick Date link to select the Settlement Date using a calendar view.  Manually entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY.  For more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
  3. Use the drop down menu to select the date type requested:
    1. Projected Settlement Date - is the desired settlement date as described in the agreement documents
    2. Final Settlement Date - is the date the lot has actually settled, after construction is completed and the Buyer has taken possession of the house
  4. Select the Submit button to save the settlement date changes, or select Cancel button to discard changes.


  • Submitting Projected Settlement Date displays the date at SR > Buyers list at the Projected Settlement Date column, and displays an action prompt for the Project Manager at PM > Lot Matrix > Active sub-tab. (See Manage Project for more on the PM role in managing settlements)
  • The Project Manager may edit the Projected Settlement Date, which does NOT send an action prompt to Sales Rep. Sales Rep should monitor this date until PM has made a firm commitment to honor a particular date, based on builder's construction completion policies.
  • Final Settlement Date is not a reversible process; therefore, only select the final date after the lot has actually settled.

Manage Homebuyer Homepage




















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Navigation Path

SR > Buyers > [Buyer Name] > Homepage


  • See Setup Homebuyer Homepage for full discussion on project level setup.
  • All information setup at the project level can be overridden by the user when managing the homepage assignment to an individual Buyer.

Contact Info


  1. Select Contact Info link.
  2. Use the Homebuyer's Primary Contact pull-down menu to designate the primary company contact for the Buyer.
  3. Use the Include? check boxes to designate the Company Contacts for the Buyer.
  4. Select the Save button to save the selections.

Login Info


  • BuildTopia automatically generates the Homebuyer URL your Buyer may use to access their homebuyer homepage
  • If the user has created a Buyer Login on your company's website the Buyer won't need this URL, but will login directly from your site
  • The Buyer's Login information cannot be modified by the BUyer on their own, so the user maintains control over access to this site at all times. If the Buyer forgets their Login information they will need to contact you for a reminder or a new login.


  1. Select Login Info link.
  2. Select a radio button to determine whether the Buyer has Active or Inactive access to this homepage. If the Buyer is abusing the privilege, the user may elect to block access using this radio button.
  3. Enter a unique user name in Username text field, or allow BuildTopia to generate a generic name.
  4. Enter a unique password in Password text field, and confirm it by repeating the entry in Confirm Password text field. (Case sensitive, 6 characters minimum)
  5. Select Printable Version link to display Login information to distribute to the Buyer. Print this screen from your browser, or right-click on the screen to save the page and email it.
  6. Use the Back button to return to the Login Info screen.
  7. Select the Save button to save the selections and entries, or Cancel to discard entries.



  1. Select Checklist link.
  2. Complete the required fields:
    1. Use the List Order text field to designate the order of the Checklist items.
    2. Use the Checklist Item text field to modify the Checklist item.
  3. As appropriate, complete the following optional fields:
    1. Use the Category text field to modify the category.  
    2. Use the text field to enter the date or use the Pick Day link to determine the date that will publish for the checklist task.
  4. Any checklist task can be removed from the individual checklist by selecting the Remove? checkbox at the task line.
  5. If the Buyer is assigned the Homebuyer Homepage after construction has commenced, use the Task Completed? check box to indicate the task is completed and does not need to be scheduled.
  6. To create additional checklist items, select Add Item button. The new task will display as empty text boxes at the bottom of the checklist form. Complete Steps 1-4 above for each new checklist task added.
  7. Select the Save button to proceed.

Import Checklist from Another Lot


  1. Select Checklist link.
  2. Select the Import Existing Checklist link.

NOTE: If a checklist was created previously, the following prompt will be displayed: "Importing a checklist will overwrite the current list. Select OK to continue, or Cancel." To continue with the import, select the OK button, or as appropriate, select the Cancel button.

  1. Select the Lot or Default Homepage Checklist from the drop down menu.
  2. Select the Save button to import the checklist, or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to return to Homepage Setup: Checklist Setup screen without modifying the checklist.



Documents whose Profile reflects HBHP Default will display with Visible radio button selected. All others will display with Hidden radio button selected.


  1. Select Documents link.
  2. Filter document list by Folder, or enter data in Search field as necessary.
  3. For each document to be available to the Buyer through the Homepage, select the Visible radio button.
  4. Select the appropriate document type by using the pull-down menu:
    1. Contract
    2. Brochure
    3. Other
  5. Select Save to proceed, or Cancel to discard data entered on this screen.



  1. Select Settings link.
  2. Select radio button Yes or No to Display Settlement Date to Homebuyer on the homepage.
  3. Select radio button Yes or No to Allow Homebuyer to Upload Documents.
  4. Use the drop-down menu to select the HBHP Photo from the Document list on the homepage.
  5. Select the Save button to save permissions selected on this screen.

Notes and Comments

See Prospect Management topic for a discussion on methods to track Notes and Comments on Buyers in BuildTopia.


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